How to recognize your house

I just moved to Bristol, I'm really glad of my new home with a bow-window, so british! There was just one little problem... I could never recognize my house, for in my street every houses were alike.

Well, to be true, every houses in every streets are alike! What a nightmare!

So I decided to do something. I painted my door in flashy pink! I was very proud of it, and never tried to enter my neighbour's house again.

But a little while later, I noticed this house. Damn! Someone had the same idea as me!

So I thought hard, and had another idea. This time, I'm pretty sure nobody will do the same...


  1. And then ? then ? ... what yellow house did you discover just "next door" ??

  2. Yep, so true... :) Good article!

  3. It is a very funny article. My daughter NESSIE said me about your very good characterization of Englih people. I must praise you for such a good idea how to describe the life in England. I am looking forward to the next article. Maman of Lenka-Nessie Kovalčíková.


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