Service of Light and hot cocoa

Christ is risen! Rejoice! People of Easter, let His joy and life be in your heart!

The other day, on my way back from work, I was looking for an Easter vigil. What a concentration of churches in this city! Every hundred yards, you walk into a church, a chapel, or a former church. They have so many of them that I even saw one which was converted into an auction room!
Well, over all these methodist, baptist, evangelistic churches (and some other), I finally found one where a service was done on saturday. So I decided to go there. By luck the only church where a vigil was led was also the nearest from my home.

So there I was yesterday night, to wait and prepare the Resurrection of Christ.
After two hours of silent and free preparation and prayer, the Service of Light starts outside. The new fire burns, and the Easter Candle is lit to it.
Then we enter the empty, silent, and unlit church. As the processions walks down the nave, we progressively lighten the darkness, by lighting the candles we carry.
Arrived to the chancel, we celebrate Christ arisen! At that point, we celebrate His resurrection, by singing, and making as much noise as possible, with rattles and firecrackers!
Then we turn back. Remember that you've come to go back, and testify of your faith!
In the back of the church, the minister bless us with water, and we renew our baptismal promises.
Then we get out, and let our joy spread, in fireworks and hot cocoa!

There I met Sue, a kind woman who talked with me, seeing I came for the first time. We talked a little, and no more than five minutes later, she invited me to share Easter lamb with her family, and a couple of friends. What a delightful hospitality, when I think I was afraid to be alone for Easter!

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