The whole story is that for a two weeks or so, there was a signpost saying that the relay round Bristol was coming in my street. So yesterday I went and waited for it. I waited more than an hour, and saw the flame about 10 seconds. It was worth...
In the street, there was a little crowd, but I thought it would be more busy. There were a lot of flags. But though I expected Olympic flags, there was only the Union Jack. Not very sport spirit, I think...
I was explained that they chenge the carrier of the flame every 300 yards. Around him are 6 other runners, in gray. His personnal guard?
In the parade, there were lots of cars and trucks (for advertising). And the runner was just behind one of them. So as when you see him appear, you're almost already behind him! That's why I couldn't see the torch long.
The policemen on their motorbikes were waving at the crowd, as if they were the stars! So nice... And at the end dozens of cyclists were following the procession, but I don't think they were part of it, they just wanted to follow.