Last weekend, I decided to cycle from Bristol to Cardiff! It was around 60 miles (75km), one way.
When I left on Saturday, the weather was grey, but correct. But when I crossed the bridge over the Severn, I could barely see Wales! On the bridge, the wind was so strong that it was impossible to cycle. And on the other side, the rain was with me almost all the way to Cardiff! But well, I kept on and arrived at last.
But when I came back on Sunday, I had a sunny weather all the Welsh way, from Cardiff to Chepstow. And guess what? As soon as I crossed, it was raining in England!Well, anyway, it was a great trip! so here are some points of view.
The plain just before Cardiff.
And at on the way back. You can even see the islands in the background. They are the teeth in the mouth of the bay. (and they removed the windmill because the wind was gone)
In Newport, there is a transporter bridge. When I arrived there, I wondered: I could see no bridge, but an iron structure far over the river. How was I supposed to cross. Then something move from the other side, coming to me. You cross on a platform hanging by cables to the structure! That's the most wonderful way I've ever seen to cross a river!
It was built in 1902 by Robert Henry Haynes, following the french example of Le Pont Transbordeur in Rouen.
Now let's talk about Cardiff!
Here is the Castle.
Here is Cardiff Bay.
This is the Wales Millenium Centre (in Welsh: Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru) designed by Jonathan Adams, built in 2002.
This one, I don't know what it is, but I really love the architecture!
And on the way back, the boundary.
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