Wye Valley

The other day I went for a hike in the Wye Valley. The Wye is the river which was originally the boundary between England and Wales. On the Welsh side, an earthwork was built, to show the limit, and now a walkpath is on it. It's called the Dyke.

Here is the Wye Valley, from the top of the hill. In the background, the Severn, and England

We started from Chepstow...

... and went to Tintern, then back.

I love this ruined abbay! And obviously I'm not alone...

 There was a nice footbridge, stone and iron, over the Wye.

Here is Tintern seen from the hill:

In fact, this very place is called "Devil's Pulpet". So I guess you're looking at the devil seated on his pulpet... hum... anyway, I like this name.

But I believe not only the devil walks these hills. The forrest seems to host the ghosts of the ancient Welsh kings, and the whole fairy people themselves. Don't you imagine them at dusk, dancing amongst the flowers, or around the twisted oak?

1 comment:

  1. It seems you witchhike very Wales indeed!


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